Motherhood: The Practice of Hope
This is a Mother’s Day sermon on the realities of HOPE. We will travel through the book of Ruth and explore Naomi’s faithful hope for Ruth.
Theology Works | Week 1
This four-week series is Theology Works. We will be examine four common theological themes from the Bible: Sovereignty, Holiness, Sufficiency of Scripture and Reconciliation.
LaPorte Campus Pastor Candidate, Joe Kotulski, shares on 2 Corinthians 2:14-3:6.
Let Faith Arise | Week 4
There are 40 recorded miracles performed by Jesus the Messiah. So what is the intent of this extensive record of the miraculous? In our 4-week series, we will examine several of the miracles of Christ for the purpose of building up our faith.
Let Faith Arise | Week 3
There are 40 recorded miracles performed by Jesus the Messiah. So what is the intent of this extensive record of the miraculous? In our 4-week series, we will examine several of the miracles of Christ for the purpose of building up our faith.
Let Faith Arise | Week 2
There are 40 recorded miracles performed by Jesus the Messiah. So what is the intent of this extensive record of the miraculous? In our 4-week series, we will examine several of the miracles of Christ for the purpose of building up our faith.
Let Faith Arise | Week 1
There are 40 recorded miracles performed by Jesus the Messiah. So what is the intent of this extensive record of the miraculous? In our 4-week series, we will examine several of the miracles of Christ for the purpose of building up our faith.
Faultlines & Fixes | Week 9
One of the foundational fixes within the body of Christ is the discipline of deference, to view one another as preferred and to defer my own preferences and ambitions.
Faultlines & Fixes | Week 8
One of the foundational fixes within the body of Christ is the discipline of deference, to view one another as preferred and to defer my own preferences and ambitions.
Faultlines & Fixes | Week 7
One of the foundational fixes within the body of Christ is the discipline of deference, to view one another as preferred and to defer my own preferences and ambitions.
Faultlines & Fixes | Week 6
One of the foundational fixes within the body of Christ is the discipline of deference, to view one another as preferred and to defer my own preferences and ambitions.
Faultlines & Fixes | Week 5
In a world that has lost any sense of moral parameters, the text will lay out specific moral boundaries in areas of sexuality. This is a critical fix for our culture. If we set moral boundaries, then we don't have to continuously deal with individual moral failures.
Faultlines & Fixes | Week 4
So often our relationships are inappropriately fragile and negatively affected by our sense of fairness, our selfish perspectives and other relational faultlines. In this session, we take on the instruction given to those who were dragging one another into court.
Faultlines & Fixes | Week 3
Our culture has become pornographic with no moral boundaries. Therefore, we have lost a sense of what the biblical solutions are for moral failure.
Faultlines & Fixes | Week 2
In week two of our series Faultlines and Fixes, we will examine the spiritual fault line of "immaturity" which is when an inappropriate distance forms between where I am and where I should be spiritually. The root cause of spiritual immaturity is self-deception. We like to ourselves about where we are and how we are doing spiritually. Join us in the message to discover the biblical solution for immaturity.
Faultlines & Fixes | Week 1
Each week in the series Faultlines and Fixes we will examine the moral fault lines that ran through the Corinthian church and seek the biblical fixes offered by the Apostle Paul. Our purpose will be to identify any similar faultlines in our own lives and fellowship. In week one, we identify the faultline of “disunity” which is seeking to divert the purpose of the church for personal gain. In the Corinthian church, there were four identifiable splinter groups within the church. Join us in this message as we discover the biblical solution for this damaging moral faultline.
Forgotten Confessions | Week 3
In the final week of the series, we will examine one of the most challenging confessions of all. Paul's statement that he would give up his own salvation if his kinsman would come to Christ. What would it be like to care so deeply about the salvation of others that we are willing to do whatever we can that they might come to faith in Christ?
Forgotten Confessions | Week 2
In week two we will examine two of the kingdom parables of Christ where he describes what it means to adopt a kingdom perspective. We will identify what the kingdom of God is all about and what has to change within our perspective in order to pursue the kingdom objectives.
Forgotten Confessions | Week 1
The opening session in the Forgotten confessions series is an examination of Philippians 3:7-11 in which Paul says he would count all things as loss for the surpassing value of knowing Christ. As we begin 2018, we need to dedicate ourselves to know Christ, the power of his resurrection and the fellowship of his suffering and experience of His death.
Culmination: The final time the voice of God will be heard by the world is at the return of the Son of God to call His church home. In this final week of the series we will be encouraged by the soon return of Christ.