- Adult Christian Education
- Adults
- All Campus Event
- Baptism
- Care Ministry
- Children's Minstry
- Connections
- Disability
- Easter
- Family
- Good Friday
- Kids
- Marriage
- Membership
- Men's Ministry
- Missions
- Mosaic
- New Hope Counseling
- Prayer
- Senior Ministry
- Seniors' Ministry
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- Student Ministry
- Vacation Bible School
- Women's Ministry
- students
Study the book of 2 Samuel to discuss what we can learn about God and ourselves through the life and reign of David.
Mom Life is a place where you can be recharged and encouraged as a mom and grow closer to Christ with other women.
Every Wednesday, boys and girls through 5th grade are invited to join us for games, activities, stories and more while they are challenged to grow in their knowledge of God and His Word.
This weekly study of the Bible takes an intensive verse-by-verse approach to studying scripture. The format is interactive and Spirit-led. All men (high school to adult) are invited to come and each week stands on its own.
Middle school students gather weekly for worship, prayer, games, inspiring messages from God's Word and connecting with each other.
This group is filled with coed dodgeball enthusiasts from high school, college age and beyond.
Study the Bible with us every Friday morning.
Students who are 6th – 12th grade are invited to join in our Sunday morning Student Bible Study. This class meets weekly during the 9 am service hour.
Digging Deeper — A weekly adult Sunday School class discussing the previous Sunday’s message.
Baptism is an important next step in our faith. It is an opportunity to celebrate our commitment to live a life surrendered to Christ with our church family. We believe Christian baptism is a public declaration of an identification with Christ in His death, burial, and resurrection signified by immersion in water.
High school students gather weekly for worship, prayer, games, inspiring messages from God's Word and connecting with each other.
A time is for encouragement and prayer for those who may be experiencing cancer, who are cancer survivors or who have friends or family facing this disease. Occasional speakers are brought in to share information about health, living with cancer and life beyond cancer.
Come join us as we enjoy breakfast, hear a wonderful speaker and experience friendship at the
Viking Chili Bowl Restaurant. First-time attendees eat free.
A supportive group of mothers who have children of all ages with developmental and intellectual disabilities. Their time together includes: Christian fellowship and praying for each other, home baked goods, sharing spiritual support and experiences.
Join us to hear from the Germany team as they share stories from their recent missions trip. Learn more about our missionary, Laurie Soliday, and how the team assisted her ministry in discipling German university students.
Join us every 1st Monday of the month as we lift up our missionaries in prayer. It is our privilege to support ministries around the world through the power of prayer.
Support the 2025 short-term missions teams! Be a part of God's work locally and around the world.
Attend the Missions Auction on Saturday, April 12 and actively bid against friends and neighbors to help raise funds for the missions teams.
If you are regularly looking after a sick, elderly, or disabled person, know that you are not alone and you are welcome to join us. It is important for you to stay healthy so you can care for your loved one. It is a time for encouragement as we share our needs, our frustrations and the victories of caring for others.
Atime is for encouragement and prayer for those who may be experiencing cancer, who are cancer survivors or who have friends or family facing this disease.
Invite friends and family for a time of worship and a simple service of communion and reflection, as we remember the sacrifice Jesus made for each of us.
Invite friends and family for a time as we celebrate our RISEN Savior at one of these special service times at Chesterton, La Porte and Valparaiso Campus.
Intergenerational Sunday — Kids are able to join their parents in worship. Parents and children are encouraged to worship together. These Sundays happen approximately once a month.
Come join us for a weekend of worship and walking in the experience of being a daughter of the King. Together, we will lean into God’s Word of who He says we are and the power we have at our disposal as His daughters. Enjoy a time of being watered by God's refreshing Spirit.
Intergenerational Sunday — Kids are able to join their parents in worship. Parents and children are encouraged to worship together. These Sundays happen approximately once a month.
Interested in baptism? Attend one of our classes to get a better understanding of baptism. Baptism is an important next step in our faith. It is an opportunity to celebrate our commitment to live a life surrendered to Christ with our church family.
Baptism is an important next step in our faith. It is an opportunity to celebrate our commitment to live a life surrendered to Christ with our church family. We believe Christian baptism is a public declaration of an identification with Christ in His death, burial, and resurrection signified by immersion in water.
Enjoy a buffet luncheon followed by the matinee production of “Ned & Nancy See America—The Musical.” Enjoy “two married people, one RV, and 50 states. Hang on for the road trip of a lifetime!”
An important aspect of a strong family is commitment: loving and supporting each other, working together, and identifying with family values and beliefs. Belonging to a church family is very similar and involves membership. Membership is also a commitment, expressing an individual's identification, participation, and partnership with the local church.
Intergenerational Sunday — Kids are able to join their parents in worship. Parents and children are encouraged to worship together. These Sundays happen approximately once a month.
Mark your calendars for Vacation Bible School this year! Each day will be filled with games, snacks, Bible lessons, songs and craziness. Join us for FIVE days of fun!
June 2 — 6, 2025