Liberty is committed to lovingly serve families who are affected by disability. Our church offers a variety of programs to provide care and fellowship for special needs individuals and their families.
Friendship Class
Sundays | 10:45 am | Cafe, Chesterton Campus
Geared for high school to adult
The Friendship Class is a group for individuals with disabilities and their friends on Sundays. Together, this group learns how to love God and love others. The Friendship Class meets in the Student Cafe (Chesterton) on Sunday mornings at 10:45 am. For more information, email Ben Polhemus
Joni & Friends Camp in Michigan
Each summer families with special needs participate in a unique, accessible retreat in Muskegon, MI. Email Ben Polhemus if you are interested in attending with your family or serving on a missions team as volunteer staff at the camp. Find out more!
Liberty Buddies
Volunteers (on Sunday mornings and Wednesday evenings) who provide one-on-one care for children and youth with special needs. This allows these students to enjoy activities with children their own age. Please make arrangements in advance by completing this form.
Children's Sensory Class
This Quieter Class is offered on Sunday mornings at 9 am and 10:45 am. It is a ministry for children with sensory issues, autism spectrum disorder and other special needs who require a quieter learning environment. Make a reservation for the Quieter Class in advance by completing this form.
Friendship Moms Support Group
1st Friday of the month | 9 am | Cafe, Chesterton Campus
A supportive group of mothers who have children of all ages with developmental and intellectual disabilities. Their time together includes: Christian fellowship and praying for each other, home baked goods, sharing spiritual support and experiences. To learn more contact Ben Polhemus via email: benp@lbchurch.org