Saturdays | September — November | Community Center Gym (Chesterton)
Liberty's indoor basketball is open to boys and girls who are age 4 through 8th grade. This is an amazing way for children to learn basketball skills and team participation.
FALL SEASON: Not in season, see you in Fall, 2025!
Registration is closed. If you would like to be added to the mailing list for the 2025 season, please let us know by emailing sports@lbchurch.org
Saturdays, January 18 to March 15 | Main Gym (Chesterton)
Registration closed.
Liberty's indoor soccer is open to boys and girls who are age 4 through 8th grade. Games vary between 25 to 50 minutes and the only practice your child will have is right before each game. Questions? Email sports@lbchurch.org for details.
Liberty Woods — Chesterton campus (West Parking Lot)
Liberty Woods Disc Golf Course was developed by staff and volunteers to serve our community, providing recreation and an opportunity for friendships. It is open all-year round, weather-dependent and the cost is FREE.
Thursday evenings | 6 pm – 9 pm | Community Center Gym (Chesterton)
This group is filled with coed dodgeball enthusiasts from high school, college age and beyond. We start with a Bible Study for those who want to become better disciples of Christ. We open up the gym for dodgeball and divide students into teams. Each time we meet, a leader will give a 15-20 minute lesson from the Bible or from their personal walk with Christ. Cost is FREE. For more information, email thursdaynightdodgeball@gmail.com or get instant updates via our Facebook page.
Typical Schedule:
6:15 pm - Bible Study
7:00 pm - Dodgeball
8:00 pm - Sharing time
8:15 pm - Dodgeball
Chesterton Campus
Mondays & Fridays | 9 am & 10:30 am Chesterton Gym (Sept. — May)
Faithful Fitness is an exercise class for women. We offer two different classes (see below). The workouts consist of a variety of cardio and strength exercises set to upbeat, clean music. The class is self-paced and the goal is to not only strengthen our physical bodies but our spiritual natures as well. Classes start with prayer and end with a short devotional. To register or for more information, contact Tris Hinkley at 219.878.8700.
9 am – 10 am - Basic Class: focuses on cardio workouts, circuit training, walking.
10:30 am – 11:30 am - Modified Class: designed for those with age/physical/fitness limitations.
Tuesdays | 6 pm – 9 pm | Community Center Gym (Chesterton)
Pickleball is a paddle sport created for all ages and skill levels. It combines many elements of tennis, badminton and ping pong. This is an adult group, but you need to reserve your spot on the Team Reach app. (Group code: LBCPB). Pickleball will be cancelled on holidays. Cost is FREE.