Our journey forward in our relationship with Jesus Christ is a process. It is important to grow in our understanding to fulfill the mission and vision God has called us to accomplish for His glory.
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Pastor Kevin Earhart uses Psalm 127 to illustrate key aspects of parenting.
There are six passages in Scripture which touch on the issue of homosexuality and condemn same-sex relationships. And yet some claim they do not. So what does the Bible really say? With a deep understanding of Hebrew, Greek, contextual issues, and biblical exegesis, Dr. Christopher Yuan presents and analyzes the gay-affirming interpretations of these Old Testament and New Testament passages with clarity and compassion.
Hear a powerful testimony from Dr. Christopher Yuan as he articulates a biblical view of sexuality through the narrative of his personal transformation from an agnostic gay man to born-again believer and a professor at Moody Bible Institute. Not only does God turn his unbelief into belief, but God also freed him from the bondage of drugs and promiscuity. This inspirational story of redemption and grace transcends the topic of sexual identity touching on issues such as drug addiction, promiscuity, incarceration, and HIV.
Dr. Yuan's message of redemption is one that points to our Heavenly Father who is calling all of us prodigals to run to Him. Christopher casts a compelling vision of not embracing our sexuality, but embracing Christ, thus shattering the paradigms of gay and straight and pointing us toward the biblical standard of holy sexuality.
There are two camps: nature (biological) and nurture (environmental). Both claim to be right with science to back them up. With his background in the health sciences, Dr. Christopher Yuan reviews the scientific studies but more importantly, helps to show how causation and sexuality are better understood in light of biblical anthropology.
As we grapple to wrap our minds around sexual identity, transgenderism has taken many by surprise. Is gender a social construct? Dr. Christopher Yuan explains pertinent terminology and categories as the first step to better understand gender identity.
One of the most important things missed when engaging with our LGB friends is how sexuality has become the core of our being. “Being gay” means “This is who I am.” But if this is incorrect, how does the Bible communicate who we are? Dr. Yuan articulates the correct understanding of personhood through the lens of Scripture.
Ms. Nora gives a basic explanation of what communion symbolizes - the bread and the juice.
Forgiving Forward is helping people experience the freedom of the Gospel through the power of forgiveness. We believe forgiveness is a core message the church is to communicate to the world and that unforgiveness is one of the most significant blockages to an individual's growth and fruitfulness, thereby affecting the church as a whole. Unforgiveness is the source of most personal, church, and societal conflicts. We have seen and experienced the torment that refusing to forgive brings and the peace and freedom that comes when forgiveness is given.
Now to Him who is able to do far more abundantly beyond all that we ask or think, according to the power that works within us, to Him be the glory in the church and in Christ Jesus to all generations forever and ever. Ephesians 3:20-21