There are many of us – where we come in with a different ability, our child has a different ability, a human life that might carry with it a different ability – and this morning is about naming that as a church. We want to be a place where all people are welcome.
But often times that isn’t the case. Sometimes – because we do not know how to respond to people who are different than us – we don’t know what to do, what to say, how to be present – so let’s talk about that this morning. I just want to reflect on two things this morning – the ministry of Jesus to people of all abilities…your ministry to people of all abilities…
Weary. Worn-out. Burdened. Tired. Few words better capture our age of hurry, which makes the offer of Jesus in Matthew 11 one tailored for our age. Come to me…Jesus says…and you will find rest for your souls.
Rest for my soul. I will take that, but this where things get confusing. Jesus’ offer for rest does not come with a pillow, a five step self-help plan, or the perfect app to download. To have rest, we have to take up – His yoke? A yoke is symbol of work. Physical exhaustion. Jesus says His yoke is easy, but how can He in the same breath call us to take up a yoke, and promise rest for our souls?
We are going to spend 12 weeks together exploring that tension. Exploring how to trade in our weariness for rest. Exchange our hurry for peace. Learning what it is to live a life of grace. Feeling what it is like to live a life with a lighter burden.
Join us as we become students of Jesus, and take up His easy yoke.
Weary. Worn-out. Burdened. Tired. Few words better capture our age of hurry, which makes the offer of Jesus in Matthew 11 one tailored for our age. Come to me…Jesus says…and you will find rest for your souls.
Rest for my soul. I will take that, but this where things get confusing. Jesus’ offer for rest does not come with a pillow, a five step self-help plan, or the perfect app to download. To have rest, we have to take up – His yoke? A yoke is symbol of work. Physical exhaustion. Jesus says His yoke is easy, but how can He in the same breath call us to take up a yoke, and promise rest for our souls?
We are going to spend 12 weeks together exploring that tension. Exploring how to trade in our weariness for rest. Exchange our hurry for peace. Learning what it is to live a life of grace. Feeling what it is like to live a life with a lighter burden.
Join us as we become students of Jesus, and take up His easy yoke.
Weary. Worn-out. Burdened. Tired. Few words better capture our age of hurry, which makes the offer of Jesus in Matthew 11 one tailored for our age. Come to me…Jesus says…and you will find rest for your souls.
Rest for my soul. I will take that, but this where things get confusing. Jesus’ offer for rest does not come with a pillow, a five step self-help plan, or the perfect app to download. To have rest, we have to take up – His yoke? A yoke is symbol of work. Physical exhaustion. Jesus says His yoke is easy, but how can He in the same breath call us to take up a yoke, and promise rest for our souls?
We are going to spend 12 weeks together exploring that tension. Exploring how to trade in our weariness for rest. Exchange our hurry for peace. Learning what it is to live a life of grace. Feeling what it is like to live a life with a lighter burden.
Join us as we become students of Jesus, and take up His easy yoke.
Weary. Worn-out. Burdened. Tired. Few words better capture our age of hurry, which makes the offer of Jesus in Matthew 11 one tailored for our age. Come to me…Jesus says…and you will find rest for your souls.
Rest for my soul. I will take that, but this where things get confusing. Jesus’ offer for rest does not come with a pillow, a five step self-help plan, or the perfect app to download. To have rest, we have to take up – His yoke? A yoke is symbol of work. Physical exhaustion. Jesus says His yoke is easy, but how can He in the same breath call us to take up a yoke, and promise rest for our souls?
We are going to spend 12 weeks together exploring that tension. Exploring how to trade in our weariness for rest. Exchange our hurry for peace. Learning what it is to live a life of grace. Feeling what it is like to live a life with a lighter burden.
Join us as we become students of Jesus, and take up His easy yoke.
Weary. Worn-out. Burdened. Tired. Few words better capture our age of hurry, which makes the offer of Jesus in Matthew 11 one tailored for our age. Come to me…Jesus says…and you will find rest for your souls.
Rest for my soul. I will take that, but this where things get confusing. Jesus’ offer for rest does not come with a pillow, a five step self-help plan, or the perfect app to download. To have rest, we have to take up – His yoke? A yoke is symbol of work. Physical exhaustion. Jesus says His yoke is easy, but how can He in the same breath call us to take up a yoke, and promise rest for our souls?
We are going to spend 12 weeks together exploring that tension. Exploring how to trade in our weariness for rest. Exchange our hurry for peace. Learning what it is to live a life of grace. Feeling what it is like to live a life with a lighter burden.
Join us as we become students of Jesus, and take up His easy yoke.
Weary. Worn-out. Burdened. Tired. Few words better capture our age of hurry, which makes the offer of Jesus in Matthew 11 one tailored for our age. Come to me…Jesus says…and you will find rest for your souls.
Rest for my soul. I will take that, but this where things get confusing. Jesus’ offer for rest does not come with a pillow, a five step self-help plan, or the perfect app to download. To have rest, we have to take up – His yoke? A yoke is symbol of work. Physical exhaustion. Jesus says His yoke is easy, but how can He in the same breath call us to take up a yoke, and promise rest for our souls?
We are going to spend 12 weeks together exploring that tension. Exploring how to trade in our weariness for rest. Exchange our hurry for peace. Learning what it is to live a life of grace. Feeling what it is like to live a life with a lighter burden.
Join us as we become students of Jesus, and take up His easy yoke.
Weary. Worn-out. Burdened. Tired. Few words better capture our age of hurry, which makes the offer of Jesus in Matthew 11 one tailored for our age. Come to me…Jesus says…and you will find rest for your souls.
Rest for my soul. I will take that, but this where things get confusing. Jesus’ offer for rest does not come with a pillow, a five step self-help plan, or the perfect app to download. To have rest, we have to take up – His yoke? A yoke is symbol of work. Physical exhaustion. Jesus says His yoke is easy, but how can He in the same breath call us to take up a yoke, and promise rest for our souls?
We are going to spend 12 weeks together exploring that tension. Exploring how to trade in our weariness for rest. Exchange our hurry for peace. Learning what it is to live a life of grace. Feeling what it is like to live a life with a lighter burden.
Join us as we become students of Jesus, and take up His easy yoke.
Weary. Worn-out. Burdened. Tired. Few words better capture our age of hurry, which makes the offer of Jesus in Matthew 11 one tailored for our age. Come to me…Jesus says…and you will find rest for your souls.
Rest for my soul. I will take that, but this where things get confusing. Jesus’ offer for rest does not come with a pillow, a five step self-help plan, or the perfect app to download. To have rest, we have to take up – His yoke? A yoke is symbol of work. Physical exhaustion. Jesus says His yoke is easy, but how can He in the same breath call us to take up a yoke, and promise rest for our souls?
We are going to spend 12 weeks together exploring that tension. Exploring how to trade in our weariness for rest. Exchange our hurry for peace. Learning what it is to live a life of grace. Feeling what it is like to live a life with a lighter burden.
Join us as we become students of Jesus, and take up His easy yoke.
Weary. Worn-out. Burdened. Tired. Few words better capture our age of hurry, which makes the offer of Jesus in Matthew 11 one tailored for our age. Come to me…Jesus says…and you will find rest for your souls.
Rest for my soul. I will take that, but this where things get confusing. Jesus’ offer for rest does not come with a pillow, a five step self-help plan, or the perfect app to download. To have rest, we have to take up – His yoke? A yoke is symbol of work. Physical exhaustion. Jesus says His yoke is easy, but how can He in the same breath call us to take up a yoke, and promise rest for our souls?
We are going to spend 12 weeks together exploring that tension. Exploring how to trade in our weariness for rest. Exchange our hurry for peace. Learning what it is to live a life of grace. Feeling what it is like to live a life with a lighter burden.
Join us as we become students of Jesus, and take up His easy yoke.